Our Products

All Discover the Finest Agro-Commodities from Uganda

Uganda, known as the "Pearl of Africa," boasts a diverse and fertile landscape, making it an ideal location for cultivating a wide array of premium agro-commodities. The country's rich volcanic soils, favorable climate, and abundant rainfall provide the perfect conditions for growing some of the world's finest coffee, tea, sesame seeds, vanilla, bird’s eye chilies, cotton, and pulses.

  • Arabica Coffee Beans

Premium quality with rich flavor profiles.

  • Robusta Coffee Beans

Bold and robust, perfect for a strong brew.


  • Cocoa

High-quality cocoa for a variety of uses.

  • Tea

Fresh and flavorful, sourced from Uganda’s lush fields.


  • Vanilla

Pure and aromatic, ideal for culinary and baking needs.


  • Sesame

Nutritious seeds for cooking and baking.

  • Soya Beans

Versatile and protein-rich for diverse culinary uses.

  • Chia Seeds

Nutrient-dense and perfect for a healthy diet.


  • Red Kidney Beans

Protein-packed and great for soups and stews.

Red-speckled Kidney-Beans-Uganda
  • Speckled Kidney Beans

Flavorful and versatile, in red and white varieties.


  • Red Bird's Eye Chilies

Spicy and aromatic, ideal for adding heat.

  • Avocado Oil

Cold-pressed and rich in healthy fats.


  • Sesame Oil

Nutty and flavorful, perfect for dressings and cooking.

we go beyond the raw material

Adding Value at the Source

Through our extensive experience in the agro-commodity sector, we have identified numerous challenges in the African coffee business that require innovative and bold solutions. Recognizing the immense untapped potential of African coffee and tea, we expanded our operations to not only source and select but also roast and pack at the origin, launching our brand Orocafe, 100% made in Uganda. This approach ensures that we deliver exceptional products while driving positive change from the very source. Our commitment to adding value at the origin transforms challenges into opportunities, elevating our products in the global market and fostering sustainable development and growth in local communities.

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Opening Hours

9.00 a.m. – 5.00 p.m. Mon – Fri

9.00 a.m. – 1.00 p.m.


Contact us

Telephone: +256393241819

Mail: info@discoverygroupug.com

Get In Touch

Plot 92, Namanve Industrial Area, P.O. Box 24135 Kampala, Uganda.